Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

I have always been a die-hard romantic, and optimist! :)  I believe, with all my heart, in the kind of passionate, insane, heart-wrenching love that poets have spent lifetimes dreaming, and writing about...
Trying to fit this celebration into one day is like trying to fit an ocean inside a Coke bottle.)))
Anyone who has ever experienced being in love would know how ridiculous a notion that is! You’re sharing yourself with someone, and I think the other person deserves a little (actually, A LOT) more than just one out of every 365 days that you’re together.

 Anyway.. I've congratulated as many people as it was just possible,because I received a huge backup of excitement and happiness from above.. )))

This to me is not only love for one’s paramour, it could also be for family or for the world in which one lives. Love is the most satisfying emotion, as one feels happy in giving and receiving it.
So, me and my colleges celebrating this day sharing not only positive words and happy moments,but also sweet cakes and yummy stuff with one another..
We really enjoy spending holidays gathering around a really tasty table.
P.S. As we celebrate St.Sargis as well,it means I and all the single girls in the office are going to eat a salty patty today,made by our dear Liana..
As said in a legend,when a girl eats a salty patty and sleeps dying of thisrt..)))))) her future beloved comes to her dream and brings a glass of water.. So girls,let our future "Best of Bests" appear in our dreams today))))

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