Tuesday, July 21, 2015

С добрым утром...с новым днем!

Помню однажды в детстве услышав фразу "Клоуны-самые грустные люди на земле" я задумалась.... я была маленькой, и не понимала какого это - быть одним человеком снаружи, и другим внутри... Я не понимала, какого это - скрывать свои эмоции и играть на публику...Но я помню, что эта фраза всегда возвращалась молнией в мою голову когда на моем пути появлялись эти мультяшные создания..И я всегда смотрела на них с благодарностью...Ведь каким добрым и великодушным надо быть, чтобы игнорируя свою тоску и грусть, подарить улыбки окружающим...
С возрастом я поняла, что быть веселым - это одна из основных составляющих их работы, а от работы надо отдыхать.А самый лучший отдых, как нас учат физиологи - смена рода деятельности.
Так что невеселый клоун в повседневной жизни - это нормально...А что если "клоун" не работа, а состояние души, сущность...Быть клоуном, в хорошем смысле, это дар, и я уважаю таких людей за их желание менять что-то в хорошую сторону..Я часто вижу всякие разные посты, статьи про позитив, про жизнерадостность..про то, что ни в коем случае не надо сдаваться насколько бы тяжелой и сложной не была бы ситуация...Авторы таких мыслей - клоуны...(в ОЧЕНЬ хорошем смысле этого слова).
Они люди, которые сильно переживают и проходят через сложные времена...они люди, которым не нужны ваши сострадания и жалость..Они обретают покой лишь тогда, когда все вокруг светит и цветет от позитива...И на самом деле мы должны быть благодарны им за то, что они не рушатся на нас обломками своей депрессии... 
Быть немного "клоуном", вот чего я пожелаю всем... Радоваться жизни, и вместо того чтобы ныть и жаловаться на погоду, нехватку сна, денег, общения, на все и всем, просто быть благодарным и не портить окружающим настроение,лишь потому, что соседи сверху всю ночь спать не давали, а с утра выключили воду....Просто будьте благодарны и улыбнитесь новому дню...и пусть он дождливый, хмурый, и нам холодно.... но он такой же ценный как все остальные...!... Капризы стихии за окном не могут отменить тот факт, что Сегодня день, в котором мы продолжаем жить...и никто не сможет отобрать у нас возможность делать что-то стоящее..быть особенным.....быть благодарным.....

простая НЕЗАВИСИМОСТЬ - от обстоятельств.. всегда на позитиве..Ведь прекрасно когда твое настроение не зависит от внешних факторов, когда твои планы и чувства неизменны, а взгляд всегда направлен вперед..к свету..к новизне... к новым победам и радостям! С добрым вам утром...с новым днем!!!!

Monday, July 13, 2015

Fifty Shades of Yellow :)

There's no doubt -‘Minions’ Takes Over the World!!!

It's  truly massive hit of the year, a run that feels nearly unprecedented..
Haven't seen the latest headlines?? 

'Minions' inspire a cheery new Pantone color

This week, for the first time in three years, Pantone, the company whose shades are ground zero for pretty much all home, apparel or design work (in case you were wondering why you cared), has released a new color into the world:Minion Yellow.Yes, damn it, it turns out that  Hollywood is so powerful it's now creating new colors.
"Minion Yellow" is the latest shade designated by global color authority Pantone, and the first based on a movie character.
The Minions shot to fame in the blockbuster film franchise "Despicable Me." The cheeky yellow creatures have their own spinoff, "Minions," due out this summer.

And you know what that means: Minions, Minions, everywhere! Which in turn means: Minion Yellow everywhere.So go ahead loves, enrich your wardrobe with juicy color, get yourself minionized :)

Joe's Jeans leather shoes
5.575 RUB - solesociety.com

Givenchy bag
67.350 RUB - barneys.com

Beach hat
340 RUB - amazon.com

Victoria s Secret victoria secret perfume
3.270 RUB - victoriassecret.com

First post in Russian - Про НАСТОЯЩНОСТЬ

Сегодня я иду на поводу порыва души , даря этим строкам жизнь ... Жизнь , наполненную эмоциями..

... Я ненавижу когда люди меняются-когда определенная жизненная ситуация, статус, ступенька вверх по карьерной лестнице, появление кого-то в жизни, повышение или наоборот-невезение, сложности и многие другие ситуации влияют на конструкцию человечности.. Когда внешний мир сливается с внутренним и делает робота из человека.. 

Меняется все - отношение к жизни, к окружающим, простое общение с социумом превращается в сплошной театр... 

....другие манеры, другие взгляды... 

И все потому что человек настолько слаб, что не смог сохранить себя настоящего.. И как это глупо и смешно-смотреть со стороны и видеть того-кто еле держится под тяжким грузом, под названием "Маска"...

Зачем же ,бедняжка, так усложнять и без того сложную и местами совсем не понятную жизнь, вместо того чтобы сделать ее лучше....

Смотреть на других со стороны порой помогает понять самого себя-и безмерно уважать и любить-хотя бы за то, что осталась и остаешься настоящей-сквозь слезы и смех, трудности и испытания, взлеты и падения...Сквозь прожитое и пережитое...

Нет.. это не самоуверенность, или безусловная правота во всем, просто я считаю, что психологически здоровый человек должен себя любить ,принимать все стороны своей личности, учиться извлекать из них пользу, для себя и для всех, насколько это возможно . Стремиться сделать что то значимое...а не создавать искусственную оболочку проблем и глупых принципов и завернуть в нем свою жизнь..Немного высокопарно сказано...может быть, но на данном этапе жизни я поняла, что мы все должны быть уверены в своих приоритетах и людях, которыми себя окружаем.В каждом человеке , нравится он нам или нет , мы видим ,прежде всего, себя! Мы ищем в людях то, что сделает нас лучше а не наоборот...
Да, все мы эгоисты - это факт! Нам и так сложно сразу разобраться в человеке, а когда он играет по правилам "Маскарада", хочется просто взять и уйти подальше, так как слишком сложно понять и принять a через время смотреть на самый неожиданный поворот ситуации, где человек раскроется с неожиданной, совершенно новой,и не всегда положительной стороны...Человек - это сосуд.. Чем наполнен, то и начинает со временем выплёскиваться из него! Принимать человека, со всеми своими тараканами можно и нужно только в одном случае - если "тараканы" НАСТОЯЩИЕ !!!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Luxurious shade of the Seven Sisters

Moscow, is, no doubt one of the most beautiful and amazing places on Earth.. It especially catches everyone  with  the unique architectural style - beautiful buildings,  traditional - profusely decorated churches and 'limitless' streets..

What I would like to talk about today, and what actually is one of the biggest prides of  Muscovites is the group of seven skyscrapers in Moscow designed in the Stalinist style.The term "Seven Sisters" is neither used nor understood by the local population; Muscovites call them Vysotki or Stalinskie Vysotki (Сталинские высотки), meaning "(Stalin's) high-rises" (or "Stalinist skyscrapers"). They were built from 1947 to 1953, in an elaborate combination of Russian Baroque and Gothic styles, and the technology used in building American skyscrapers.

The seven are: Hotel UkrainaKotelnicheskaya Embankment Apartments, the Kudrinskaya Square Building, the Hotel Leningradskaya, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs main buildingthe main building of the Moscow State University, and the Red Gates Administrative Building. There were two more skyscrapers in the same style that were never built: the Zaryadye Administrative Building and the Palace of the Soviets.

Through the dust of history....

The first Soviet skyscraper project, Palace of the Soviets, was interrupted by the German invasion of 1941, at which point the steel frame was scrapped in order to fortify the Moscow defense ring, and the site was abandoned. Between 1947 and 1956, Boris Iofan presented six new drafts for this site, and also for Vorobyovy Gory on a smaller scale — they were all rejected. In 1946, Stalin personally switched to another idea — construction of vysotki, a chain of reasonably-sized skyscrapers not tarnished by the memories of the Comintern. As Nikita Khrushchev recalled Stalin's words, "We won the war ... foreigners will come to Moscow, walk around, and there are no skyscrapers. If they compare Moscow to capitalist cities, it's a moral blow to us".Sites were selected in between January, 1947 (the official decree on vysotki) and September 12, 1947 (formal opening ceremony).

The buildings...

Buildings are listed under their current names, in the same order as they appeared in the April 1949 Stalin Prize decree. Note that different sources report different number of levels and height, depending on inclusion of mechanical floors and uninhabited crown levels.

Moscow State University, Sparrow Hills

Boris Iofan made a mistake placing his draft skyscraper right on the edge of Sparrow Hills. The site was a potential landslide hazard. He made a worse mistake by insisting on his decision and was promptly replaced by Lev Rudnev, a 53-year-old rising star of Stalin's establishment. Rudnev had already built high-profile edifices like the 1932-1937 Frunze Military Academy and the 1947 Marshals' Apartments (Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, 28), which earned the highest credits of the Party. He set the building 800 meters away from the cliff.

The building was constructed in part by several thousand Gulag inmates. When the construction was nearing completion, some inmates were housed on the 24th and 25th levels to reduce transportation costs and the number of guards required.
The main tower, which consumed over 40,000 metric tons of steel, was inaugurated September 1, 1953. At 787.4 feet or 240 metres tall, it was the tallest building in Europe from its completion until 1990. It is still the tallest educational building in the world.

Hotel Ukraina - Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow

Ukraina by Arkady Mordvinov and Vyacheslav Oltarzhevsky (leading Soviet expert on steel-framed highrise construction) is the second tallest of the "sisters" (198 meters, 34 levels). It was the tallest hotel in the world from the time of its construction until the Peachtree Plaza Hotel opened in Atlanta, Georgia in 1975.

Construction on the low river bank meant that the builders had to dig well below the water level. This was solved by an ingenious water retention system, using a perimeter of needle pumps driven deep into ground.

The hotel reopened its doors again after a 3-year-renovation on April 28, 2010, now called Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow, with 505 bedrooms and 38 apartments.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

This 172 meter, 27 story building was built between 1948 and 1953 and overseen by V.G.Gelfreih and A.B.Minkus. Currently, it houses the offices for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Russian Federation. The Ministry is covered by a light external stone wall with projecting pilasters and pylons.
Its interior is splendidly decorated with stones and metals. According to the 1982 biography of Minkus, draft plans were first drawn up in 1946 and ranged from 9 to 40 stories. In 1947 two designs were proposed: one utilized layered setbacks while the other called for a more streamlined construction which culminated into a blunt rectangular top. The second proposal was accepted but as the Ministry's completion neared, a metal spire, dyed to match the building's exterior (and presumably ordered by Joseph Stalin), was hastily added to tower's roof, assimilating its silhouette with those of the other Sisters.

Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya Hotel

Originally known simply as the Leningradskaya Hotel, this relatively small (136 meters, 26 floors, of which 19 are usable) building by Leonid Polyakov on Komsomolskaya Squareis decorated with pseudo-Russian ornaments mimicking Alexey Shchusev's Kazansky Rail Terminal.
Inside, it was inefficiently planned. Khruschev, in his 1955 decree "On liquidation of excesses..." asserted that at least 1000 rooms could be built for the cost of Leningradskaya's 354, that only 22% of the total space was rent-able, and that the costs per bed were 50% higher than in Moskva Hotel. Following this critique, Polyakov was stripped of his 1948 Stalin Prize but retained the other one, for a Moscow Metro station. After a multi-million dollar renovation ending in 2008, the hotel re-opened as the Hilton Moscow Leningradskaya.

Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building

Another of Chechulin's works, 176 meters high, with 22 usable levels, the Kotelnicheskaya Embankment Building was strategically placed at the confluence of the Moskva Riverand Yauza River. The building incorporates an earlier 9-story apartment block facing Moskva River, by the same architects (completed in 1940). It was intended as an elite housing building. However, very soon after construction, units were converted to multi-family kommunalka (communal apartments). Built in a neo-gothic design, though also drew inspiration from Hotel Metropol.

Kudrinskaya Square Building

Designed by Mikhail Posokhin (Sr.) and Ashot Mndoyants. 160 metres tall, 22 floors (18 usable in the wings and 22 in the central part). The building is located on the end of Krasnaya Presnya street, facing the Sadovoye Koltso and was primary built with high-end apartments for Soviet cultural leaders rather than politicians.

Red Gates Administrative Building

Designed by Alexey Dushkin of the Moscow Metro fame, this mixed-use block of 11-storey buildings is crowned with a slim tower (total height 133 meters, 24 levels).
In this case, cryotechnology was indeed used for the escalator tunnels connecting the building with the Krasniye Vorota subway station. The building's frame was erected deliberately tilted to one side; when the frozen soil thawed, it settled down - although not enough for a perfect horizontal level. Then the builders warmed the soil by pumping hot water; this worked too well, the structure slightly overreacted, tilting to the opposite side but well within tolerance.

Zaryadye Administrative Building (never built)

In 1934, the Commissariat for Heavy Industries initiated a design contest for its new building on Red Square (on the site of State Universal Store, GUM). A last showcase for constructivists, this contest didn't materialize and GUM still stands.

In 1947, the nearby medieval Zaryadye district was razed to make way for the new 32-story, 275-meter tower (the numbers are quoted as in the 1951 finalized draft). It is sometimes associated with the Ministry of Heavy Machinery, the same institution that ran a contest in 1934. However, in all public documents of this time its name is simply theadministrative building, without any specific affiliation. Likewise, association with Lavrentiy Beria is mostly anecdotal.
The tower, designed by Chechulin, was supposed to be the second largest after the University. Eventually, the plans were cancelled at the foundation stage; these foundations were used later for the construction of the Rossiya Hotel (also by Chechulin, 1967, demolished 2006-2007).
Hopefully you enjoyed the ride..

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Stranger in Moscow....

Hey there my dear beauty queens.. 
I know, I know it's been a long while that I didn't write anything really worthy for you..
Well, that's because Moscow swallows all the "free" time that you may have, and makes you get lost in the depths of crazy russian routine.

But,well,I would never stop blogging even if I had to work 24/7. So , luckily for me and all my loyal readers, I have a little spare time these days, 'cause my students finally went to enjoy their summer holidays, and I took time off of my second work..
So, here I am, it's summer, I try to enjoy it inspite of all the shades of crazyness that Moscow shows us, regarding the weather..I mean, you can wear light top and go walking on a sunny day, and you can come back home all blown by the wind and storm..Yeah..This is Moscow, and I've already stopped being surprised at crap like this.
Whatever, summer is out there, and life is good, anyway...As you may have noticed,I enjoy sharing the whispers of my soul through writing. Sometimes I am actually  not  writing to tell someone anything, I am writing to feel connected with my soul. I give myself permission to play with these things almost every  day, not because I want to create something in particular, but just because I let myself play.....
So,for you to know, I'm having a whole knew experience called - adaptation in Moscow city. Some kind of integration and Socio -Cultural adatation in urban environment and the search of priority areas of self-development! 

Hard!!!!! Here's what I'd say after all..It's really really hard to get used to a lot of things here, to stand out for yourself, not to smile at robotized people, because they won't get it as a gesture of being polite,as all they want, is to get to work ASAP, or get the f*ck back home fast, 'cause they're tired and exhausted as hell...and they are not interested in your f*ing gestures...hell yeah..That's what it is, and though it's really hard to find yourself, and keep going without giving up,and reaching your goals, but truth be told, this is the place, where you always live with a thought that anytime you can appear on the right place on the right time, and your story will begin...This, guys, is a city of oppotrunities...
All you have to do is be patient...work hard..and let nothing to beat you down... Moscow helps you build another stronger version of you, and that's actually great..I'm here willing to catch the crazy rhythm of this amazing city and feeling it's heartbeats in my pulse....

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Glam & Go !!!

Summer... sun...friends... Everything's just created for an unforgetting time passing...The sun kisses your face, the wind gently plays with the waves of your hair, and you just feel so blessed to have this day, to walk this earth with your chick mode on....

James Perse gray dress
10.875 RUB - stylebop.com

MM6 Maison Margiela blue coat
45.780 RUB - farfetch.com

Pierre Hardy pointed-toe pumps
44.335 RUB - stylebop.com

Rebecca minkoff purse
15.335 RUB - rebeccaminkoff.com

Mudd felt hat
1.005 RUB - kohls.com

Victoria s Secret body moisturizer
780 RUB - victoriassecret.com